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In 1995, at the age of 34, I made my first trip to Walt Disney World. And from that very first trip, I became captivated by the "magic of Disney". Having grown up with the movies and songs, even watching "The Wonderful World of Disney" every Sunday night, on a black and white TV, I never imagined how Disney would ultimately become such a part of my life. On that first trip, and all my trips thereafter, Disney World was and remains a place of magic for me. A place where adults can become children again, if only for a short time, and leave the worries of everyday life behind. Most of us will never know, or have to experience, the challenges of having a child suffering from a long term pediatric illness. For these children, and their families, the stresses of day to day life can become almost unbearable. The pain and heartaches these families endure daily, are ones those of us, whom God has blessed with healthy children, will never know.I founded Mouse Dreams for one take a little bit of pixie dust and sprinkle it over those children and families who, so much deserve, some magic in their lives. To transport them, if only for a week, into a world of fun and enchantment. The world of Disney!

Scott Cooper



Copyright 2016 Mouse Dreams Foundation. All rights reserved.
Mouse Dreams Foundation is not affiliated with, authorized or endorsed by, or in any way connected with, The Walt Disney Company, Disney Enterprises, Inc., or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries.

P.O. Box 30472, Raleigh, NC 27622-0472

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